Service Times
Fusion Service: Sunday Nights @6pm

Good Friday

Join us for our Good Friday experience on
Friday, April 18th | 5:30pm & 7:30pm
2424 Colorado Blvd. – South Sanctuary

Reflect, worship, and remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us with your family, life group, or yourself.

We will be hosting a Tenebrae service as we gather to remember and reflect on Christ’s suffering and the cross.. If you’ve never been to a Tenebrae service, it’s a really powerful experience. After each segment of the story is read, a candle is extinguished. After the last reading, which confirms that Jesus had died on the cross, a loud sound (called strepitus in Latin) is made to convey the sense of total loss of God’s presence and the effect of the death of Jesus on the universe. The final story of the burial is read in near darkness.

We will not be recording or streaming the service. In addition, we will not offer Kids Church or childcare for Good Friday, so please plan accordingly if you have small children. 

Parking will be available in the main lots around campus & on the street.

Join us in remembering Christ’s suffering as we prepare to celebrate His resurrection together on Easter!

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness, by his wounds you have been healed.” ~1 Peter 2:24