Service Times
Fusion Service: Sunday Nights @6pm






prepare and use 


try to acquire or develop a quality, sentiment, or skill.


WORSHIP (*Cultivate will not be held October 6th due to the Fusion Retreat)

1st Sunday of the Month: Cultivate: Worship & Prayer
– Cultivate: Worship and Prayer will be a space for the Fusion Community and friends to worship and pray together. We will learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and welcome His voice and presence in our midst. Jake Walker and Kim Cox will be leading worship.


2nd Sunday of the Month: Cultivate: Family – Question & Response Time
– Cultivate: Family – Questions & Response Time will be a space for the Fusion community and friends to ask questions regarding faith and life. Jake Walker and guest(s) will be facilitating the time. Please bring your Bibles.


3rd Sunday of the Month: Cultivate: Kingdom – Street Evangelism & Prayer
– Cultivate: Kingdom – Street Evangelism & Prayer will be a time for the Fusion community to share the Gospel on the streets of Eagle Rock. Jake Walker and Jimmy Chacon will be facilitating this time.

Time: 3-5pm

Location: Cafe (2417 Colorado Blvd)


Come build our Fusion Family’s culture with worship, family, and kingdom and EXALT JESUS!