Czech Trip
AUGUST 16th- AUGUST 27th
Thank you to all who have partnered with us & our team of 11 young adults! Your prayers and donations have been instrumental. As we head to Czech Young Life.
The 2024 Team:
BS- Brianna Sanderson |
CJR- Cecily Joujon-Roche |
CH – Christian Halvorsen |
CM- Clint Manquiquis |
JM- Jaryl Mordeno |
KM- Krystabel Mordeno |
LT- Leo Thomas |
MM- Matt Moore |
MP- My Pham |
OH- Olimpia Hostetler |
TC- Trey Christopher |
RECAP (2023)
The 2023 Fusion Czech Trip was a great success!
The team of 13 completed their fundraising efforts and flew to Prague on July 5th! They traveled to Prague, and then took the bus for 6 days of Young Life camp! There, they ran games, taught workshops, and supported the Czech & Ukrainian leaders as they preached the gospel to over 100 kids!
Thank you to ALL who have helped make this trip possible, from the 2023 Team!
Thank you for partnering with us! If you would like to continue to support Kingdom missions like this one, you may donate selecting the ‘Kingdom T&O tab by clicking the link below:
Here’s a little info about our CA Kingdom Partners, Al and Stacy Anderson:
Al and Stacy have been a part of CA since the mid-1990’s and have been serving in Ostrava, Czech Republic with Young Life International since 2004 reaching out to the unchurched youth in the area. Young Life is active in all 50 states and more than 45 countries, reaching an estimated 1 million teenagers annually. Young Life leaders leave the comfort of their adult worlds and enter the arena of high school and middle school life. You will find Young Life leaders sitting in the stands at football games, walking the streets of inner-city neighborhoods, driving carloads of kids to the shopping malls or tutoring students in study centers after school. In fact, you will find them almost anywhere you can find kids.
To learn more about the Young Life mission, visit their webpage: